Gameplay Suggestions

BG Reinforcements for mining/looting/arena
This post is to open up discussions about reintroducing reinforcements back into Crabada like we had for Idle Game but for Battle Game. I'm going to post my ideas about it in the simplest form with an example about how it can be done in an effort to spark some discussions around this and see if we can get some good ideas going about how to best implement this. So the basic idea would be to implement reinforcements based on turn #. The team can go thru the data and see what an avg battle lasts for in # of turns and then pick 2 entry points for reinforcements to come in. An example would be at the 35% and 65% battle done point each player would pick their reinforcement to use. It would be very similar to how Idle Game was set up tho it would add the additional strategy complexity that Battle Game offers making it much more of a poker game or mini chess match There's several benefits to doing this.... 1) It makes the game more fun, complex, and strategy based. This will attract players who love more complex strategy based games. There are a lot of poker players that are in the crypto world, this definitely has a poker feel to it in terms of how you would need to approach the game and create strategies and team compositions to build with your crabs that you think will be the best combination 2) It would tackle the inflation problem to some degree. Let's take an easy example, if there are 300k crabs out there right now that's 100k teams currently that can mine and loot. If we implement 2 reinforcements per team then that's 60k teams that could mine and loot....this would cut the TUS being minted by 40% roughly in theory 3) It brings additional longevity to the game and will open up the meta to make more crabs useful than currently are. The more complex the game becomes the more each crab will have it's time and place to be used in certain team compositions. 4) Tavern 2.0....we now would have the need to reintroduce Tavern as well to rent crabs but with an added element. Crabs would keep the their levels when rented out so people who have level'd up their crabs would be able to get more TUS(or more likely materials in Economy v2) for their crabs in the Tavern. This also means people would need to continue leveling up their crabs and not be able to just leave them in the Tavern indefinitely to keep their crabs relevant. It would be a much more dynamic version of the Tavern I'd like to hear some ideas about this, how we could best implement it, any ways to improve on it, etc... I don't want to make this post too long but we can spark some more detailed discussions about it in Crabada Economy

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Exploration of multiple ways to increase the consumption of game TUS
Compared with traditional games, any game tokens will have many practical consumption uses, but the current crabada game has too few TUS use scenarios, and the output is increasing with the inflation of crabs, so the team has to design more ways to consume TUS in order to effectively stop the inflation of TUS. For example, more interactions can be designed in the game to enhance the game experience, while also being able to destroy TUS, which is also logical compared to traditional games. Increase the honor system: you can compare a traditional game, want to attract enhanced game experience for all styles of user players as well as user stickiness, there must be an honor system, because the tycoon players like to kill, then there should be some rankings, such as the number of crabs killed ranking, robbery win rate ranking, revenge success ranking, etc., of course, can also design many rankings, with these rankings, the You can increase the TUS consumption scenario, for example, players unlock their own data by destroying part of the TUS and then you can compete with the same unlocked players in the ranking, then the unlocked consumed TUS can be rewarded with part of it and destroyed with another part. Of course there are many TUS destruction scenarios to be designed. Players who like to socialize then should have a game world channel hall and chat servers in various regions, with these applications can add some game props, such as the horn (for the whole service broadcast), the horn needs to destroy TUS to cast, while the number of times a player chats per day has a ceiling such as 10 times, more than 10 times each chat to destroy a certain amount of TUS, so not only enhance the game Entertainment, but also increased the destruction of TUS channels. Increase the guild system or tribe system: because the social element inside the essential that is the tribe system or called the guild system, the guild inside the perfect guild ecology, such as guild PK war, tribal war, in short, the purpose is to increase the game more entertaining, social, with these can have a variety of TUS destruction scene, but also to meet the entertainment needs of players. increase the crab skin system: contrast any traditional game, there are hero units can not be separated from the skin or called accessories, skin and accessories can not change the fairness of the game, but can change the appearance and skill effects, crabs can be designed for each kind of parts or skills pincers more cool effects skin, these skins are available to destroy more TUS to meet the entertainment needs of players. 4567 and so on, in short, summarize the current chain game to get out of the circle and achieve long-term development, playability and entertainment is particularly important, because compared to the traditional game as excellent experience, the current crabada still has a long way to go, although the crab's combat game user experience is not bad, but the lack of a lot, I hope the project side can enhance the user experience of entertainment and playability I hope the project can put more effort in enhancing the user experience of entertainment and playability, sometimes it is often the result of water to water, the game quality is high, TUS inflation rate is also under control. The assets inside the game are created by the players, but they should also be destroyed by the players, not a faucet that keeps releasing water, without multiple ways to get out of the water

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”Equipment fee“ and Randomness In looting system
Include some degree of randomness and a "equipment fee" paid in Tus or Cra before looting. A team's battle point can be easily find out on chain and looter just have to find a team that has 1 less point than they to perform a 100% loot. Which is not fair for the miners. A system of randomness within the looting system can be implemented, the higher the stats compare to the miner team, the higher the chance of successful loot. And implement a equipment fee for looter, when looter wants to loot, they would need to pay a fee to equip(Return if win) (The higher the BP, the higher the fee), if they lost against miners, the miners will receive the equipment fee. This design is due to the fact that looting should be an activity that has higher risk and therefore provides higher gain to the looters. But under the current design, the looters have 0 risk in looting. The design described above can increase risk in looting and reduce whale dominance in game. It also creates a situation when the very high BP looters lose against Low BP miners, and pays a high fee in equipment fee to the miner. Miner will flex this 1-2% chance win and create free marketing for the game. Whale purchasing high BP team for looting activity will still gain higher reward than miners, but allows miner to have a chance to go against whales. A game with no probability is no fun. Especially when people can win 100% when they are just little bit stronger than you.

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以下是白皮书对质押cra的功能的讲解 1.每质押1万个cra一周获得一次护身符 2.每质押5万个cra可以增加一队螃蟹 3.参与每周的幸运抽奖 下面是建议: 首先,第一点建议,作为玩家,最看重的是其实是护身符这一功能,因为这可以减少挖矿的损失,但是1万个cra,一周只有一次护身符,这个设置也太不合理了,有谁会为了一周节省2.75个cra跟200个tus去买一万个cra?一天一次是比较合理的设置,建议更改。 第二,我相信官方可能觉得质押cra的最大作用增加螃蟹队伍,但是这个其实是最鸡肋的,玩AVAX的ido的玩家,谁手里没个5个10个钱包,一个钱包限制3队螃蟹,我再换个钱包就行了,何必为了增加一队螃蟹去买5万个cra?更改建议是,当玩家持有3队以上螃蟹时可以获得收益加成,哪怕+10%,也很有意义。 3.每周的幸运抽奖,目前不知道有什么奖品,但是建议设置创世螃蟹的奖项,中奖比例可以很低,低于1‰也没事,可以起到很好的效果。 4.质押cra,建议学习XAVA,设置提现惩罚或者提现时间限制。比如质押之后,提现需要提前5天申请。比如质押之后,抽奖结束后3天内,提现需惩罚扣10%并分发给正在质押的玩家,3天后恢复正常,这是为了很多投机玩家利用利好赚差价,避免cra波动太大,同时也是保护忠实质押的玩家。

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为了让更多玩家进来,咱们需要降低孵化成本。(给予第一批的人以补偿性奖励) 而且我不建议孵蛋阶梯式递增,起码前2到3个蛋不是,因为只有能够孵化2-3个蛋以上,才能避免蛋的通缩,吸引更多的用户,降低孵蛋+蛋的通胀,才能有效吸引大家来玩 而且目前仍然更多是tus的单币经济模式,那么想要吸引更多的用户,必须要适当延长一下时间,并且收益需要提升一些。毕竟不是每个人都是全职游戏玩家,你必须要考虑到普罗大众的角色而不是一意孤行,咱们需要更休闲一点。一天最高16次的抢劫,人们根本操作不过来。我们不能随时盯着电脑。 更改抢劫机制:抢劫会让垃圾蟹的玩家颗粒无收,极大的阻碍了他们的获利与游戏接下来的参与,而基因机制又让优质螃蟹的玩家不断拥有优质蟹(一定要防止这个不断拥有优质蟹的功能) 这是每个人都不愿意看到的 至少普通玩家不希望自己的收益轻而易举的被富人掠夺,他们也需要希望,就像现实中一样,很多人希望一次随机的机会翻身 如果他们发现自己无法改变,他们甚至可能不会进入这个游戏 所以我希望能够出现用tus来购买的随机蛋的模式,这样有利于穷人防止之前的人对螃蟹垄断导致物价飙升。(应当比至少第一次孵化要贵,否则繁衍失去除了基因就失去了意义)(并且控制盲盒次数) 同时,我认为基因不能公开,因为小隐性和隐性的存在,才让纯种的繁殖变得不是那么简单。 希望战斗点数和攻击剩余时间和队号不能被抢劫方提前看到,要遵循完全随机的原则,这样才能保证挖矿方的利益(弱者的利益) 同时适当给予挖矿连败的队伍一定时间的保护 最后,关于机制的思考:现在的代币通胀完全来自于挖矿,而且大部分的螃蟹都只能挖矿,但是全部挖矿失败得到的tus一天最多为911(实际上很多人无法实现六次,咱必须得帮助他们完成),预期回本周期超过30天,你要想着适当减少这个时间,不要害怕代币的早期适当通胀,至少让新来的人看到希望,进入游戏(你甚至可以把收益定义为你们认为有意义的一个区间内随机值,这样也有利于你们控制通胀速度) 同时希望螃蟹都有自己的寿命,寿命也与生育的次数和活动次数挂钩,当寿命结束,完成对代币的销毁。 其实我认为游戏的经济机制设计的很有想法,希望游戏能够稍微保持一些通胀,稍微降低门槛,稍微照顾一下最底层的玩家。

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