Well known Question About Total supply Of TUS
Moazam Qaiser
Can developer make some changing. through this, no one can withdraw & deposit TUS In Game Account. Because TUS in no usecase in game account. Give any deadline or date, after this date no one able to withdraw & deposit TUS in game account. After this date we will all now total Supply Of $TUS.
we could have deadline for withdrawing TUS from game acc from 1st place, there is no usecase for TUS there now, so better do it, i mean, why not?!
it can solve this supply increase doubts imo, idk!
I have a suggestion, like let's team up and request the team to allow users to transfer shells to other accounts, some of us need to change our accounts but we can't do that coz account will start at level 1
Moazam Qaiser
Test: you are right.. but you can't level up after transfer the shell. Because new game account always start from 1 level.. yep but you level up crab in speed .