Dear Crabada team,
All your recent moves are extremely positive and it's great to see the team proactively looking to address the tokenomics.
I am sure you are aware but we are now facing sell pressure for $TUS as existing passive players sell $TUS for $CRAM and of course some players exit the game. This is preventing $TUS from recovering like it should and to a certain extent preventing Discipleships from really taking off as the 60-70 $TUS per $CRAM ratio just doesn't work from an ROI perspective.
While this is likely to be a temporary phenomena the hope is that the team looks to fix this issue now as opposed to let it affect the already abysmal $TUS price performance. The simplest solution is a $TUS burn. Question really is what route to take?
A temporary $TUS Burn event for Discipleships is the 'straight line' solution although I appreciate $CRA stakers may take a short term view and be none too happy about such a move that will initially adversely impact $CRAM prices.
An alternate option could be to have a temporary burn event to allow players to upgrade crabs for the Battle Game.
The upgrades don't need to be too drastic so as not to upset the breeding cycle and burns but rather a simple upgrade of eye effects within the existing breed class for a 5-10k $TUS fee (or some other more suitable amount) would get huge take up from players given some eye affects are pretty useless in the Battle Game at this point and inadvertently mean some of the existing crab population is not fit for 'battle'.
The event though temporary should lead to a huge $TUS burn without impacting the existing ecosystem too drastically. Higher $TUS is better for existing players, will support higher $CRAM and $CRA prices which is good for $CRA stakers and the higher ROI (in FIAT terms until $TUS becomes the world's reserve currency) will attract new investors to the game and the Swimmer system in general.
Finally a note to my fellow Crabadians who have been left disgruntled by the reduction in $TUS and $CRA rewards. I would very humbly suggest to shift focus on your returns in $ terms. A 30% or even 99% reduction in rewards does not matter as long as at the end of the day you are taking home more fiat and your crabs are worth more.
Thank you and best of luck in making $TUS great again!